Sunday, February 19, 2012


If I horse refuses I jump growl and bring him/her back if she/he does it again growl and hit him with a crop if he does it AGAIN walk him/her up to the jump and let him/her sniff it. If they do it again ask for a grownup or a good rider to get on.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Im sorry!

This is my least favrait blog to update because I always dont know what to say!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


levels like small ponies need more practise.
If your diside to do small ponies that should mean your going to pony finals soon because its hard. Always make sure u have heels downs eyes up.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Small ponies

Most small ponies are fast and quik (most) Most of the time you have to jerk back on there mouth. 
But dont do that enless you trainer tells you (also the trainer might say rip that ponies mouth out it just mean pull real hard.)
Always pull back and realese pull back and let go back go back go.