Saturday, December 31, 2011

true love

Never yank at ur ponies mouth when it those somting bad gently say no or such this is the BIGEST key to pony whispering.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


If u consitrate and believe u will be happy in the end and can encomplish anything!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


If a horse is just being plain STUBERN then kick it and MAKE it go to the other end of the ring. Growl. LIKE U MEAN IT TOO! Give it a pat when the pony/horse those what u want.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Always ALWAYS wait tell a horse is done chewing then put the bit in if they dont listen put ur hands and push on there BACK teath HARD if they still dont open get a adult.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

scared and butterflys

Are you scared? Got buter flys in your tummy? Well! First of all DONT SHOW IT! Try to think of somting else. Somtimes butterflys can be good!!!! Thats what my drama teacher says and its true.
Never scream when I pony bolts. Sit up and be tuff and give it a pat when it stops.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bolting pony

what do you do if a pony ever... BOLTS! First you pet them and try shooshing them if that those work yank back on the rains when your pony stops give her a pat and whisper its ok even if the pony was being just plain bad. Give your pony a treat any way if you normaly only give your pony two treats give it one. If you normaly give your pony one treat give your pony 1!